
In darkness 2018
In darkness 2018

I'm often asked how I did it, how I got through the hard times. I'm glad I held on to hope when it was the other way around. It has taken time to find my way out of the darkness. So much has happened, is happening grab some coffee, sit a spell. I knew it had been a while, I didn't realize how long it's been since I visited my old friend. It is a single match, but it pierces the darkness to guide you to light.Ģ018 is starting off great! If you're in the Ballard area, I hope you'll come hear me read. Enjoy the poetry, let me know what touches you.Īs 2018 gets a rolling start, I wish you hope. If it's not me, peace be yours until you find the right one. I hope you all find the voice that comforts you. My voice isn't for everyone, but it's for someone. Over the last year my writing has been called cliche by one and comforting by another. It was heart wrenching, but inspiring, to remember the faith she had in my words. But more than that, the one "like" it had was from my dear cousin who passed away a few weeks ago. Then a memory from 5 years ago popped up on Facebook, it reminded me of a friend who encouraged me to take this fork in the road. Yesterday I tried to convince myself that my voice just wasn't important. But I've learned a lot about paths and built the muscles for clearing. Five years of clearing the path to make my dream come true has led me to.more work to clear the path. I made this list for an application, and I thought it would be good to share it. There were some dark spots in the path, but most of it was filled with light and hope.

In darkness 2018